The ARK-530A offers superior zonal ring-image method technology using SLD. It also features automatically fogging and high-speed measurements.
The Nidek Intelligent Refractor RT-5100 features an ergonomic design and a speedy and smooth lens change. It fits perfectly in a small space, providing a quick and accurate exam for both operators and patients.
AFC-330 Fundus Camera
This is used to evaluate the health of the back of your eye, the retina. The digital camera snaps a high-resolution digital picture of your retina. This picture clearly shows the health of your eyes and is used as a baseline to track any changes in your eyes in future eye examinations.
M3 ARK With Tonometry
Using an automated, computerized refracting system, we can determine the best prescription for you. Non-contact tonometer whose totally automated operation results in error-free ocular pressure measurements. The keratometer measures the curvature of the cornea to assess astigmatism.
OCULUS Easyfield®
This is used to assist with Glaucoma detection. It's designed for the examination, analysis and documentation of the field of sight, especially the light difference sensitivity and other functions of the human eye.
Nidek RT 5100
The RT-5100 fulfills the operators’ two dreams: Sophisticated design and comfortable examination. Its stylish design perfectly fits in a small space, providing a quick and accurate exam for both operators and patients.
The RT-5100 offers quick and smooth lens changes, allowing the operator to show minute changes of prescription at the touch of a button.
TRS-5100 Digital Refractor
Using a digital computerized refracting system, we can determine the best prescription for you.
LM-1800 Auto Lensmeter
This is used by optometrists and opticians to verify the correct prescription in a pair of eyeglasses and contact lenses, to orient and mark uncut lenses, and to properly mount lenses on eyeglass frames.
RT-700 Manual Refractor
When using a refracting system, we can determine the best prescription for you.
Ultra M2
Evaluates the tear film on the surface of the eye to facilitate diagnosis. May detect many diseases of the eye, including: eyelid diseases such as Blepharitis, Conjunctivitis, Cataracts, Corneal Injuries and diseases such as Keratoconus, retinal diseases such as Macular Degeneration and Retinal Detachment, Dry Eye
Evaluates the tear film on the surface of the eye to facilitate diagnosis. May detect many diseases of the eye, including: eyelid diseases such as Blepharitis, Conjunctivitis, Cataracts, Corneal Injuries and diseases such as Keratoconus, retinal diseases such as Macular Degeneration and Retinal Detachment, Dry Eye
Advanced digital eye exam technology to map your eye and the determine your vision prescription for glasses or contacts with incredible accuracy.
PanOptic™ Ophthalmoscope
Used for inspecting the retina and other parts of the eye.
Elite™ Retinoscope
Retinoscopes shine light into the patient's eye, observes the reflection (reflex) off the patient's retina, and measures the refractive error.